YP Presentation Series
Start Date/Time:
Thursday, July 26, 2018 5:30 PM
Recurring Event:
One time event
Normal Priority

Join the NEWWA YPs for a Professional Presentation Series at:

CDM Smith, 75 State St., #701, Boston, MA 02109

Read below for details on the presentations or download the flyer here


Presenter: Luke Eastman
Luke is an associate consultant at Raftelis, the nation’s premier financial consulting firm
for the water, wastewater and stormwater utility industry. Based out of Natick, MA, he has
worked on rate studies, financial plans, and affordability analyses for utilities across New
England. He has a master of environmental management from Duke University and a BA
from Middlebury College.

“Affordability: An Emerging Concern in the Water and Wastewater Industry”
Description: Luke will give an overview of the state of affordability of water and sewer service
across the nation, with focus on New England, and will discuss the drivers of rising costs and
how municipalities can mitigate impacts to their customers.

Presenter: Alexandria “Lexy” Hidrovo
Lexy recently graduated with a BS in Environmental Engineering from UNH. She is now
starting her masters at UNH, possibly focusing on emerging contaminates in wastewater.

“Case Study: Applying MP UV Disinfection with Low Wavelength Monitoring to Achieve
Sustainable Public Health Protection”

Description: Lexy will discuss a pilot UV systems ability to monitor low wavelengths using
innovative sensors and the effects on cost and energy savings if LWs were able to be taken
advantage of.

Presenter: Mike Nelson, PE
Mike is the Director of Engineering for the Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC).
During his 12 year career, Mike has operated as a design engineer with a private consulting
firm, a public works engineer, Assistant DPW Director, and is now senior engineering staff at
a metropolitan water district.

“Service Life”
Description: Mike will provide a brief overview of the water and sewer works of the last
century in the Boston area and discuss the paradigm shift from system buildout to system
maintenance. The presentation will highlight the challenges that metropolitan water
systems will face over the next century and discuss how young professionals will inherit this

Thank you to event sponsors CDM Smith and Raftelis.

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