AWWA Virtual Summit
Start Date/Time:
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
End Date/Time:
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Recurring Event:
One time event
Normal Priority

AWWA Virtual Summit: Sustainable Water, PFAS, Waterborne Pathogens

Explore cutting-edge ideas related to the critical water sector topics of sustainable water management, waterborne pathogens, and PFAS.

Sustainable water sessions will cover all aspects of resilient and efficient water management, providing insights into best practices for water resource management, source water protection, conservation, and alternative water supplies.

Waterborne Pathogens topics will explore a holistic approach for addressing the challenges associated with pathogens in water, including reuse and premise plumbing systems.

PFAS sessions provide further insight into the most relevant and current regulatory, technical, financial, and management challenges associated with this persistent environmental contaminant.

For more information and to register, click here.

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