
Chair: Chris Astephen

Staff: Katelyn Todesco

Council: External Affairs

About the Young Professionals Committee

The committee's mission is to attract and retain new young members and to develop avenues for their participation in New England Water Works Association through the creation of programs and networking opportunities. The primary goal of the committee is to fully integrate young professionals into the association through partnerships with other committees, mentors, and educational programs.

Young Professionals Committee Annual Events:

  • Young Professionals Meet & Greet Breakfast - NEWWA Spring Conference, April
  • YP Red Sox Event - Boston, MA, June
  • NEWWA/NEWEA YP Summit - Boston, MA, January
  • YP Presentation Series - around New England and throughout the year
  • Treatment plant & brewery tours, around New England and throughout the year
  • Young Professionals Summit - NEWEA Annual Conference, Boston, MA, January

Follow the NEWWA Young Professionals on Facebook and LinkedIn for updates on upcoming activities.





Committee members can click here to access the Private Young Professionals Committee page.


Public Committee Documents



Lawrence WTP Treat & Meet
Start Date/Time:
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 4:00 PM
Recurring Event:
One time event
Normal Priority
Social Event
Lawrence WTP Tour - 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Followed by networking at The Claddagh Pub, 399 Canal St, Lawrence, MA
The NEWWA Young Professionals Committee invites you to join them for a facility tour and networking event at the Lawrence, MA water treatment facility, with food and drinks to follow at a local pub. Come learn how a city with one of the lowest per capita incomes in the state has built and maintained a highly successful advanced water treatment facility.
Completed in 2007, the 16 MGD plant serves more than 70,000 residents. It uses the Merrimack River as its source, and uses pulsating upflow clarification, chlorine dioxide, UV disinfection, GAC, mono-media Greenleaf filtration, and fluoridation to produce high-quality water. Learn from the Woodard & Curran operations team how they manage the facility, the intricacies of the design, and lessons learned for the operability of similar systems.
Owned by Mary ADMIN Quigley On Wednesday, February 28, 2018