Chairs: Colleen Heath
Cassandra LaRochelle
Staff: Mary Quigley
Council: External Affairs
The committee's mission is to plan and coordinate efforts to stimulate the enrollment of additional members and aid in the retention of association members. The committee welcomes new members and assists them with getting involved in NEWWA. The committee looks to have members from each New England state.
Membership Committee activities include:
Welcoming new members to the association and engaging current members to promote member retention
Coordinating the New Member Breakfast at the December Monthly Membership Meeting
Developing and executing the annual Member Drive
Running the Mentoring Program
Supporting the Young Professionals Committee in running the Young Professionals Meet & Greet Breakfast and speed networking activites
The Membership Committee meets monthly over conference call or in person when possible at NEWWA events.
The Membership Committee created this presentation as an interactive guide to NEWWA's membership benefits. Click through section by section for a full overview or click directly on a topic.
Committee members can click here to access the Private Membership Committee page.
New England Water Works Association - 125 Hopping Brook Road - Holliston, MA 01746 - PH: (508) 893-7979 - FAX: (508) 893-9898