NEWWA Awards

NEWWA has numerous awards to recognize the outstanding efforts of individuals and organizations. You are encouraged to review the following list and to send nominations to NEWWA, 125 Hopping Brook Road, Holliston, MA 01746. Phone (508) 893-7979, Fax (508) 893-9898, or email Mary Quigley at

Click on the blue text to download a writable pdf nomination form, which can then be either e-mailed or faxed to NEWWA (508) 893-9898. All those submitting forms will receive a confirmation of receipt from the award liaison. 

Award of Merit — Application Deadline July 1 of each yearThe Award of Merit may be bestowed annually upon an individual who has been a member of the association for a minimum of the past 5 years and who has demonstrated, in the opinion of the Award of Merit Committee, the highest level of outstanding services to NEWWA, a water utility, the water works practice, or any combination thereof.

David M. Erickson Groundwater Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year. The purpose of the David M. Erickson Groundwater Award is to recognize an individual NEWWA member, current or retired, who has demonstrated excellence in the    field of groundwater science as it relates to groundwater supply development, management, and protection.

Dexter Brackett Memorial Award — Committee-selected recipient. No nomination form.
The Dexter Brackett Award was established in 1916 in honor of an early prominent member of NEWWA. The award is presented annually to the member of the association who authored the most meritorious paper published in the Journal of the New England Water Works Association during the previous year.

Diversity Award - Application Deadline July 1 of each year.   The award is bestowed yearly to an individual or organization that has, in the opinion of the Organizational Diversity Committee Award Subcommittee, made outstanding contributions in advancing diversity and inclusion within the water works profession.



Distinguished Public Involvement Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  To recognize individuals or organizations who have significantly contributed in one of the following areas: created or expanded a public education or information program about drinking water; developed public policy to conserve, nurture, protect, or improve public drinking water supplies; or made a significant effort to share programs as described.

Employer Recognition for Younger Member Support Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  To recognize an employer who has made a significant effort in supporting and promoting younger member involvement (a member who is under the age of 35 or new to the water works profession) through active participation in NEWWA programs, committees, and/or presentations.


​Exemplary Source Water Protection Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  This award recognizes utilities who go above and beyond with their source water protection efforts and who demonstrate a true dedication to protecting their system's source water(s).

George C. Whipple Public Health Laboratory Award of Excellence — Application Deadline August 31 of each year.  The purpose of the George C. Whipple Award is to identify and acknowledge those drinking water testing laboratories that have demonstrated an exemplary dedication to providing services consistent with the accomplishments of the above-named analyst that pioneered methods for the protection of waterborne contamination and the assurance of proper public health in his community and beyond.



Jerome J. Healey Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year. The Jerome J. Healey Award (established in 2012) is presented to acknowledge the contributions of an individual or a group of individuals, who have promoted the drinking water profession by reaching out to other NEWWA members and the public and enhanced the relationship between the regulated community with state and federal personnel to protect water supply and public health.

John H. Chafee Distinguished Public Servant Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  To recognize individual(s) or agency(ies) that demonstrate clear leadership that embodies commitment to principles and pursues what is right while championing the causes of the environment and public health. The recipient places the country and our society before all and diligently works to find middle ground in order that the public's good will be served.


Kenneth O. Hodgson Distinguished Service Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  To provide recognition for outstanding service to NEWWA and the waterworks profession by a member from the supplier service, manufacturing, or contracting area. The award is named after Kenneth O. Hodgson who demonstrated, through his years as a NEWWA member, a dedication, service, and commitment that our service members should strive to attain.

Legislator of the Year Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  Presented to a member(s) of the U.S. Congress or a state legislative body who has substantially assisted in the promotion of legislation or the advancement of policy that protects public health and the environment while ensuring safe drinking water.  The legislator may have worked with water works professionals to introduce or support legislation or amendments that advance safe drinking water priorities.

Lifetime Achievement Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  The Lifetime Achievement Award is a very prestigious award presented to drinking water professionals who, during their lifetimes, have exhibited outstanding commitment and dedication to the field of water and through membership in the water works profession. Click on the award header for full details and requirements.

Most Innovative Program Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  This award recognizes utilities, consultants, vendors, or individuals, or a partnership within these groups that have developed a program or product resulting in demonstrated economic, operations, conservation, security, public relations, or general efficiency benefits.

NEWWA Honorary Member Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  A NEWWA Honorary Member shall be a person of eminence in some branch of water works practice or water works engineering, or a ​member who has been outstanding in his/her promotion of the welfare of the association or in a profession of water supply.

Past Presidents Award — Committee-selected recipient.  No nomination form.
The Past Presidents Award is presented annually in honor of all past presidents to acknowledge in some way their contribution to our association. It is presented to the member or members who authored the second most meritorious paper that appeared in the Journal of the New England Water Works Association during the previous year. 

Public Communications Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  This award acknowledges excellence in communications through comprehensive public outreach materials and programs. Examples include, but are not limited to, flyers, newsletters, bill stuffers, fact sheets, annual reports, water quality reports, Web sites, news releases, public service announcements, paid advertisements, facility tours, open houses, community presentations, video productions, school presentations, poster and essay contests, cable television productions, and any other creative way of communicating with consumers.

Sponsor of the Year Award — Application deadline July 1 of each year.  Recognizes the outstanding effect of associate and consultant members who support the association through contributions of financial, in-kind materials, and volunteer resources.

Utility of the Year Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year. Recognize up to three utilities (large, medium, and small) that made significant improvements to the water system infrastructure, customer service, staff training, and/or operations to further protect public health of the customers it serves. 

Utility Service Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  This award recognizes up to two utilities annually that made significant contributions to NEWWA via committees, programs, presentations, and/or volunteer service. Consideration shall be given to the size of the utility relative to the contribution.


Volunteer of the Year Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  To recognize a NEWWA member who has demonstrated outstanding service to NEWWA throughout the calendar year or outstanding service to a committee within NEWWA throughout the calendar year that goes above and beyond the expectations of the committee. Current elected NEWWA officers are not eligible.

Water Works State Leadership Award — Application Deadline August 1 of each year.  Presented to a state association member by the NEWWA president to recognize contributions of the recipient to his or her state association and to the water works profession in general. The president and board of directors of each state and regional association within New England are invited to participate. Once each year, the state or regional board will be encouraged to accept nominations from the board or their membership and will select from the nominations one person to receive the award. The nominee/recipient should be a member in good standing with the representative association. Specific criteria may include:  1) Contribution to state or regional association activities; 2) Activities that have achieved public recognition of the excellence of the water works profession; or 3) Innovative ideas or programs that have improved service to customers.

Younger Member of the Year Award — Application Deadline July 1 of each year.  To recognize a NEWWA member under the age of 35 or new to the water works profession who has demonstrated outstanding service to NEWWA through active participation in NEWWA programs, committees, and/or presentations. Award includes free registration to the NEWWA Annual Conference held each September.

Questions related to the awards program can be directed to

NEWWA Scholarships - Student, Operator & Diversity Scholarships

Headed to College?  Looking to Become Certified or Start Your Career in Water?  Apply for a Scholarship!

NEWWA awards approximately $24,000 annually to worthy applicants pursuing academic degrees, drinking water licenses, and continuing education. The NEWWA Scholarship Committee expects to award the following scholarships annually:

Student Scholarships

Application Deadline: April 1 Annually

George E. Watters Memorial Scholarship – up to $5,000 to a student enrolled in a civil engineering program at a 4-year college or university. 

Francis X. Crowley Scholarship – $3,000 to a student enrolled in civil or environmental engineering program, or a business management program at a 4-year college or university.

Elson T. Killam Memorial Scholarship – $1,500 to a student enrolled in a civil or environmental engineering program at a 4-year college or university.

Joseph Murphy Scholarship – $1,500 to a student enrolled in a civil or environmental engineering program, or a related science or business program applicable to public water supply at an accredited college.

Michael Garofano Memorial Scholarship – $1,500 to a student enrolled in a civil or environmental engineering program, or a water operations or related science program.

NEWWA Scholarships – Additional scholarships may be awarded to students, regardless of their field of study, with preference given to those candidates whose programs of study are related to the water works industry.

Students who are attending or have been accepted into appropriate college/university programs at the undergraduate or graduate level are eligible to apply. Applicants must reside in New England or attend a college/university in New England to qualify. Applicants will be notified of awards in July after the Scholarship Committee has reviewed all applications.


NEWWA reserves the right to not award any or all scholarships for any year in which outstanding candidates are not identified. Interested in becoming a student member? Click here for details.

Maud L. Malley Professional Work for Water Training Scholarship

Application Deadline: April 1 Annually

The Maud L. Malley Professional Work for Water Training Scholarship awards a total of $2,000 to a NEWWA, Inc. member (or can be shared by two awardees) who is either a professional operator (already certified), an operator-in-training, or a member training to work for water to continue their initial training or their continuing education. If the scholarship selection committee determines in any particular year that there is not a candidate deserving of the award, the scholarship may be awarded instead to an applicant, who is studying in areas which will allow them to Work for Water, who applied for a different NEWWA scholarship.

NEWWA Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship

Application Deadline: April 1 Annually

The New England Water Works Association’s mission is to promote public health, safety, quality of life, and environmental stewardship through education/training, advocacy, and outreach relating to safe drinking water. To help accomplish its mission, NEWWA must work to attract people with various backgrounds, life experiences, and perspectives.

NEWWA has created a Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship to help provide access to underrepresented individuals who wish to pursue a career in water works and join the community. The Scholarship Committee encourages individuals who are interested in a career in the water profession to apply. Apex Companies is pleased to sponsor a diversity and inclusion scholarship with New England Water Works Association (NEWWA).

The committee may award up to $2,000 annually to one or more deserving applicants, which includes a 1-year complimentary membership to NEWWA for each award recipient.

An applicant must belong to one of the following categories:

  • A student with interest in the water works profession seeking any undergraduate or graduate degree.
  • An individual seeking to enter the water works profession.

Current NEWWA members are ineligible for this scholarship and are encouraged to apply for other NEWWA scholarships available. Applicants will be notified of awards in July after the Scholarship Committee has reviewed all applications.

Operator Scholarships

Application Deadline: March 1, 2025 and September 1, 2025

The NEWWA Scholarship Committee also expects to award the following scholarship on an annual basis to operators:

Kenneth Knowlton Operators Memorial Education Scholarship – Awarded to operators for training at the NEWWA facility or other institutions when budgetary constraints eliminate the opportunity for some of our peers to attend training for certification, advancement, or professional development. A Knowlton Operator's Scholarship applicant must be an Individual member of NEWWA and/or their utility employer must be a member for at least two years to be eligible for consideration. Additionally, applicants must be actively employed in the field of water works.

Application periods are from January to March (closing March 1 with the awards being made by April 1) and July to September (closing on September 1 with award being made by September 30). 

Current Application Period: Janaury 1 - March 1, 2025



NEWWA reserves the right to not award any or all scholarships for any year in which outstanding candidates are not identified. Read the rules governing the NEWWA Scholarship Committee here.

In addition to applying for a scholarship, you may make a donation to any of the specific scholarships, or to the general NEWWA fund. Your contribution will ensure these scholarships always have the means to continue providing much-needed funds to worthy college students entering the water works profession. Download a scholarship pledge form here, or contact NEWWA at 508-893-7979 with any inquiries.