Become a NEWWA Member Today!
As a NEWWA member, you can attend regional training courses, conferences, symposia, and meetings at discounted rates, access NEWWA's Journal and newsletters, receive regional updates on legislative and regulatory matters affecting public drinking water, sit on NEWWA's committees, and enter a large network of water works professionals from across six states.
Note that NEWWA, Inc. membership DOES NOT afford you AWWA benefits.
To sign up for NEWWA membership, apply online by logging into your NEWWA account and clicking the Join Now button at the bottom of your profile page or under My Memberships on the left. Alternatively, click the below button to complete the PDF application or contact Membership Coordinator Mary Quigley at

Types of Memberships:
Individual Member - Discounted Dues Rates for Operators, Retirees, and Students
Benefits include discounted registration on training courses and events, direct communications, news, and New England legislative and regulatory updates via email and mail, eligibility to serve on NEWWA committees, access to the NEWWA Journal and Member Roster, access to members-only webinars, eligibility to participate in the Mentoring Program, eligibility to serve on the board of directors, and more!
An Operator Member is an individual who is responsible for the operation or maintenance of a water treatment or distribution system. The individual shall not be substantially in charge of the organization and not be in a supervisory or management role.
A Life Member shall be a member who has paid dues for 40 years or who has reached the age of 65 years and has paid dues for at least 30 years. Contact Mary Quigley for details.
A Student Member shall be not less than 18 years and shall be a full-time student enrolled in an accredited secondary or post-secondary education provider.
FREE Student Membership Offer - NEWWA is pleased to pilot FREE Student Membership in 2025 for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students.
The pilot program will run through December 31, 2025, and is limited to 100 participants and first time NEWWA student members only. Applicants must include their College/University name in the Company line on their application. Use the coupon code STUDENT2025 at checked out or in the payment section of your PDF membership application.
Utility Member - Categorized by Number of Service Connections
This membership includes one transferrable Utility Representative membership, to be assigned to the main membership contact of the utility. This individual receives all Individual membership benefits. This organizational membership extends select membership benefits to all current staff located in New England: All staff have access to discounted registration on training courses and events, eligibility to serve on NEWWA committees, access to members-only webinars, and eligibility to participate in the Mentoring Program.
Service Provider - Categorized by Gross Annual Sales to the Water Industry
This membership includes one transferrable Organizational Representative membership, to be assigned to the main membership contact of the organization. This individual receives all Individual membership benefits. This organizational membership extends select membership benefits to all current staff located in New England: All staff have access to discounted registration on training courses and events, eligibility to serve on NEWWA committees, access to members-only webinars, and eligibility to participate in the Mentoring Program.
Education institutions, nonprofit organizations, and state agencies are invited to apply for membership at the lowest Service Provider membership dues rate.
NOTE: Effective June 20, 2023, NEWWA will no longer be affiliated with the American Water Works Association.

If you have membership questions please contact Mary Quigley.
NEWWA Mentoring Program
Most of us have been there—we’re new to the profession, new to the association, and know little to few people. Walking into a reception, event, or even course can be very intimidating, especially when you look around at all the different groups laughing and talking together. You may wonder: “how can I fit in?” and “where do I start?”
15 years ago, NEWWA and its Membership Committee recognized this issue, and from there the Mentoring Program was born. The program, which lasts from 6-12 months, pairs a new member (mentee) with a more “established” member (mentor), to help the new member gain greater knowledge of NEWWA and the profession, and hopefully make a friend in the process.
The program started in 2008 and since then has seen more than 50 mentees complete the program, with 30 mentors assisting along the way. Want to learn more about the association or water profession in general? This 6-12 month program is the way to go. A mentee may begin the program at any time and is allowed 6-12 months to complete it.
There are great opportunities for both new and young members to get involved as a mentee, and even greater opportunities for existing members to become a mentor! If you’re interested in either, please contact the Mentor Program Coordinators:
Lauren Underwood -
Emma Page -
Michaela Bogosh -
NEWWA staff support:
Mary Quigley -
NEWWA publishes an annual Member Roster that is sent to all members in December. In September of each year members receive notification to update their information and an opt-out option for the roster. Members need to ensure that their information is up to date with the association. Note that the roster is a NEWWA member benefit and only NEWWA members receive a copy.
The Member Roster, in addition to listing the names and contact information for all NEWWA's members (individual, utility, and associate/consultant), includes:
A brief history of NEWWA
Lists of NEWWA's officers and key staff
Committee listings, including chairs and vice/co-chairs
NEWWA past officers and editors
NEWWA, Inc., Bylaws
Award winners, including historical information
Award committee rules
A listing of past meetings
The Membership Roster is designed, produced, and mailed by Naylor Publications, Inc. They also perform all advertising solicitations each year for the publication. Click here for information on adversiting in the Member Roster.